Sally Van Eycke's Twitch

Sally Van Eycke's Twitch

Monday, July 22, 2013

Boscia Clarifying Detox Mask Review

I'm almost out of this Boscia Clarifying Detox Mask. That's because I think it is awesome. I only use this once every couple months. I used it recently because I spent all day in my makeup sweating outside in the hot and humid air hosting a Steampunk Swapmeet in my driveway. This stuff is really nice at drawing impurities out of your pores. I typically only use it as a spot treatment on whiteheads, but sometimes your skin calls for being totally treated.

Here's me sporting the mask:

I'd recommend to take a hot, relaxing shower before you do this mask. That will make your pores nice and open and ready to be treated. Use a non-drying, gentle facewash in the shower to get any makeup or face grease off. You want the mask to penetrate your skin a bit. This stuff can be pretty drying which is why I normally only use it as a spot treatment. If you have oily skin, you could probably get away with using this stuff once a week or every other week. Mine just isn't that oily.

This works basically the same as any other  kaolin clay mask but doesn't make my sensitive skin break out the next day! Once you wash your face, you pat it dry and do the mask. You put a thin layer on, let it dry for about 10 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water and a washcloth. This doesn't bleach anything, so it doesn't matter if you get it in your eyebrows or on your washcloth or towels. Rinse your face with cool water and pat dry your face. You cannot miss the final step of moisturizing, lest your face overcompensate for the lost oil and basically become a grease factory. Again, my face is middle of the road level oily, so I actually went with a deeper moisturizer than my normal daily moisturizer. Right now, I'm trying Murad Age-Balancing Night Cream but full review is pending on that as I've only been using it maybe 4 days now.

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